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How to improve the performance of your ads just by changing a few key words.

I remember my first  ad that  I worked on a few years ago while interning for a big marketing agency. 

While writing the copy we were asked to use good vocabulary as it sounded “sophisticated” and helped with increasing “brand value”. 

I was shadowing the marketing manager at that time, looking over his shoulder in hopes to learn the A-Z of marketing. He drafted an ad copy filled with words that left me baffled

The copy was full of the company's history and how good they were at doing their job, with big brand names and logos everywhere in the ad. 

After the ad ran for a couple of days  and  when I saw the results I was so shocked.

 The ad had generated zero sales and had only led in gaining a handful of followers. Surprisingly everyone was really satisfied with this and that's the  day I realized that the majority of marketing is bullshit.  

Why 99% of marketing doesn't work.

I realized there had to be more to marketing than this. I looked up the best marketing companies and realized something so  simple…

Many advertisers fall into the trap of using big, fancy words in their ads, thinking it will impress their audience. However, the reality is quite the opposite. 

Think about it – when was the last time you were truly captivated by an ad filled with complex language? Chances are - you can't recall. 

The world's best communicators and teachers understand the power of simplicity. By using clear, straightforward language, they are able to connect and engage with a big audience effortlessly.

I realized this was also the only way to make ads really measurable with numbers and know where improvements could be made.

After this i've always followed one rule while working on ads for my clients-

If you wouldn't say it to someone in a bar, it needs to go.

So no more nebulous terms, no more vague marketing gobbledygook, we need measurable, solid results.

There’s plenty of ways to do this and it’s doable for every single business, yours included. If you want to know how we would do this in your business, get in touch with us today.

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